Loadstar 18
aug playnotes-1
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COMAL PlayNET Notes - August, 1985
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Notes taken by: Joel Ellis Rea
(alias "Joel R" on PlayNET)
--------------- Aug 01 ---------------
Paul W asked how to send block
commands to the disk drive. Here's
how: Before you can use the
commands documented in the 1541 User's
Guide, you must open a disk drive buf-
fer as a file. Before you can use ANY
direct-access commands, you must open
the 1541's command/error channel. The
means for doing this varies between
the two Commodore 64 COMAL versions.
In COMAL 0.14, do this:
OPEN FILE 15,"",UNIT 8,15 //command
OPEN FILE 8,"#",UNIT 8,8 //buffer
In COMAL 2.0, do this:
OPEN FILE 15,"u8:/s15/d-" //command
OPEN FILE 8,"u8:#/s8/d-" //buffer
In either version, you may now send
direct access commands by using the
"PRINT FILE 15:" command. Example:
to read Track 18, Block 1 (the first
block of the directory), you would do
PRINT FILE 15:"u1:8 0 18 1"
You can then use the Buffer-Pointer
("B-P") command to position the buffer
pointer, then use GET$(8,n) (in 2.0)
or the published "DISK'GET" PROCedure
in 0.14 to get the desired bytes from
the buffer. Simply execute a CLOSE
statement to close the files when you
are done.
Terry B1 wanted to know how to put
text and graphics on the screen at the
same time. There are 2 ways: Use
"SPLITSCREEN" to present a small text
window at the top of the hi-res
graphics screen (does not work in
multi-color graphics!), or Use the
"TEXTSTYLE" (2.0 only) and "PLOTTEXT"
commands, which draw text directly on
the graphics screen!
There was lots of talk on the
recent MARCA Fair and Borge
Christensen's (yep, the founder of
COMAL himself) HIDE and REVEAL
routines for 2.0, which allow placing
invisible PROCedures and FUNCtions
into a 2.0 program -- they can be
accessed, but not LISTed, DISPLAYed
or EDITed! These routines will be
published in COMAL Today #9.
Captain Comal says work on a
standard COMAL Graphics Kernal is
The first airport in Scandinavia
to achieve the ZERO Visibility
Landing Rating uses C64's running
COMAL in the control tower! The
program they use was written by Air
Traffic Controllers instead of
professional programmers.
Here's a tip from the Captain:
You can leave off the "$" from a
string function name (such as CHR$,
STATUS$ and SPC$) when typing in a
program, and COMAL will supply it for
you, much as it supplies closing
quotes at the end of a line, "DO" and
"THEN" keywords, the names of PROC's,
FUNC's and FOR index variables on the
respective "END..." statements, etc.
I told Cap at this point about Data
Encore's InterSystem Formatting Tech-
nology, which allows multiple formats
(IBM-PC and 1541, for example) on the
same side of the same disk. Needless
to say, he was excited. Now that IBM
users have COMAL, being able to put
out single disks for both computers
would be a boon to CUGUSA!
--------------- Aug 08 ---------------
Steve K has already used an
Caption Comal, Steve K and I
discussed PC-COMAL and MS-DOS. You
can PASS an MS-DOS command from
COMAL, much like you can PASS a 1541
DOS command from C64-COMAL! You can
even run PC-COMAL inside itself!
There was more talk on Jesse K's
"Quick Chip", which speeds up LOADs
from COMAL 2.0 by a factor of up to 5.
Jim V asked about the "ANIMATE"
PROCedure of COMAL 2.0's "SPRITE"
Due to a PlayNet "overload",
Captain C and some others got
"dumped". This started talk about
moving COMAL meetings to an alternate
service, either PeopleLink or Quantum-
Jim V wants to write an Authoring
System in COMAL, similar to PILOT. He
calls it "FRAME".
Lots of beginners like Jeff E
were on. We decided to have a
"Beginning COMAL" room run sim-
ultaneously with the main COMAL room,
leaving the main room for "Techies".
Captain C will alternate which room
he moderates each week.
====== Continued in Next Article =====